Voor de UN Food Systems Summit heeft Rabobank een film gemaakt om de wereldleiders te inspireren over de toekomst van voedselvoorziening. We zijn trots hier deel van uit te mogen maken.
Our global food systems are not future-proof. Although more and more initiatives are being launched to turn the tide, the way we produce and consume food is still, for the most part, not fair, sustainable or healthy. Rabobank is one of the parties working on concrete solutions to help transform current food systems. The UN Food Systems Summit 2021 (UNFSS) offers great opportunities to share our knowledge and solutions, make connections, establish frameworks, and thus build a solid bridge between food and finance.
In our vision, future-proof systems are based on responsible production, distribution and consumption of food, stimulated and supported by innovative and responsible financing. In the run-up to the Summit in September, scientists, youth, consumers, businesses, financiers, farmers and environmentalists are coming together in dialog sessions and events. For the first time, important issues such as climate, biodiversity, agriculture and poverty are treated as an integral part of the process and, as a result, integral agreements can be made and system-wide solutions developed.
The Food Systems Summit in New York has to encourage concrete agreements as well as ambitious and innovative actions to make food systems more sustainable, fairer, and healthier.
Based on the three pillars of Rabobank – our role as an (innovative) financier, our social foundation, and our ambitions for sustainability – Rabobank is excellently positioned to establish links between the five main themes of the World Food Summit: Nutrition, Sustainable Consumption, Nature-Positive Production, Inclusion, and Resilience. Many of our propositions and targeted product solutions for food systems transformation already align seamlessly with these ‘action tracks’.
At UNFSS, we will ask world leaders to establish clear rules of the game, to allow all parties to move along in this sorely needed transformation.
Our network is strong and vast – from small African farmers’ cooperatives and local commodity traders to pioneering entrepreneurs with impressive farms and global food companies. With a practical transition agenda and clear criteria, we can support these relationships and customers in the transition, and encourage them to make their part in the food system fairer, more sustainable, and healthier.
Funding is an important lever to initiate change. The food transition needs to be made financially viable as a business model and also requires investments. Needless to say, as a global food & agri bank, Rabobank plays an important role in this as well. For example, we are closely involved in the establishment of the innovative Good Food Finance Network, aimed at financing integral (new) business models that contribute to the food system transition and do justice to the true value/cost of food.
Food System transition
Rabobank wants to and can help shape the food system transition. And we are already working hard on that! The Food Systems Summit gives us a great opportunity to show leadership as a bank in the field we know so well. To use our strength as a connector and an innovator, our global experience and expertise, and our sincere commitment to food systems that make healthy and sustainably produced food accessible to all. With a fair distribution of risk and reward, expressed in the true value and price of our food.